Simplifying Git Cloning: How to Clone a Single Branch Without History


When working with Git repositories, it’s common to clone the entire repository along with its complete history. However, there are scenarios where you may only need a specific branch without the burden of its entire history. In this article, we’ll explore how to simplify the Git cloning process by cloning a single branch without its history.

Why Clone a Single Branch Without History?

Cloning a Git repository with its entire history can sometimes be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially for repositories with extensive histories. Cloning only the necessary branch without its history can save time and disk space, making the cloning process more efficient, particularly in scenarios where you’re only interested in the latest changes on a specific branch.

Cloning a Single Branch Without History: To clone a single branch without its history, we can use the git clone command with the --single-branch and --depth options. Here’s how it works:

git clone --single-branch --depth 1 -b <branch-name> <repository-url>

Let’s break down each part of the command:

  • --single-branch: This option tells Git to only clone the specified branch instead of all branches.
  • --depth 1: This option specifies that only the latest commit from the branch should be included in the cloned repository’s history.
  • -b <branch-name>: This specifies the branch that you want to clone.
  • <repository-url>: This is the URL of the Git repository you want to clone.

Example: Suppose we want to clone only the main branch from a repository located at with only the latest commit in the history. The command would look like this:

git clone --single-branch --depth 1 -b main

Benefits of Cloning a Single Branch Without History:

  1. Time Efficiency: By cloning only the latest commit of a single branch, the cloning process becomes faster, especially for repositories with extensive histories.
  2. Disk Space Savings: Shallow clones with minimal history consume less disk space compared to full clones, making them more efficient in terms of storage usage.
  3. Improved Focus: Cloning only the necessary branch allows developers to focus on the latest changes without being overwhelmed by the repository’s entire history.


Cloning a single branch without its history using Git’s --single-branch and --depth options is a powerful technique that can streamline the cloning process, particularly for large repositories. By leveraging these options, developers can efficiently clone only the necessary branch with minimal history, saving time, and resources while maintaining focus on the latest changes.

Incorporating this approach into your workflow can enhance productivity and streamline development tasks, especially in scenarios where you need to quickly access and work with specific branches without the overhead of their entire histories.

Fixing AttributeError: module ‘tarfile’ has no attribute ‘data_filter’ in Python


If you’re a Python developer, you might encounter unexpected errors when installing or working with Python packages. One such error is the AttributeError related to the ‘tarfile’ module, which can occur during the installation or usage of Python packages.

In this article, we’ll explore the cause of the AttributeError and how to fix it, along with a real-world example of encountering and resolving this issue.

Understanding the AttributeError:

The AttributeError with the ‘tarfile’ module typically arises when there’s an inconsistency or conflict with the Python installation or its dependencies. The error message might look like this:

AttributeError: module 'tarfile' has no attribute 'data_filter'

This error indicates that the ‘tarfile’ module doesn’t have the expected ‘data_filter’ attribute, which might be required by certain operations or packages.

Resolving the AttributeError:

To resolve the AttributeError with the ‘tarfile’ module, one common solution is to upgrade the ‘pip’ package manager to the latest version. This can be done using the following command:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Upgrading ‘pip’ ensures that you have the latest version, which may include bug fixes and improvements that address compatibility issues with Python modules and dependencies.

Real-world Example:

Let’s consider a real-world scenario where a Python developer encounters the AttributeError with the ‘tarfile’ module while installing or working with Python packages. They observe the error message and identify that upgrading ‘pip’ could potentially resolve the issue.

After running the command to upgrade ‘pip’, the developer re-attempts the installation or operation that previously resulted in the AttributeError. This time, the operation completes successfully without any errors, indicating that the issue has been resolved.

How to Fix “Unmanaged Network Interface” Issue in Alma Linux

Managing network connections on Alma Linux systems can sometimes be tricky, especially when encountering issues like an “unmanaged network interface.” In this blog post, we’ll explore a simple solution to this problem using NetworkManager, a popular network management tool in Alma Linux.

Identifying the Issue: You might have come across situations where you try to change the status of a network interface, only to find it set to “unmanaged.” This means you can’t activate or deactivate the interface, which can be frustrating when configuring network connections.

The Solution: Thankfully, there’s a straightforward solution to this problem. By tweaking a few settings in NetworkManager’s configuration file, you can regain control over the network interface.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Check Interface Status: Start by checking the status of the network interface using the nmcli -p device command. This will give you an overview of all network interfaces and their management status.
  2. Edit NetworkManager Configuration: Open the NetworkManager configuration file located at /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf in your favorite text editor.
  3. Modify Configuration Settings: Inside the [main] section of the configuration file, add or modify the following lines


4. Save and Exit: Save your changes to the configuration file and exit the text editor.

5. Restart NetworkManager: To apply the changes, restart the NetworkManager service with the command:

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

6. Verify Interface Status: Once NetworkManager restarts, use the nmcli -p device command again to confirm that the network interface is now managed.

Ubuntu release/renew DHCP IP of a specific interface from CLI

To renew the DHCP lease on the wlp0s20f3 interface in Ubuntu Desktop, you can use the dhclient command. Here’s how:

Open a terminal and type the following command:

sudo dhclient -r wlp0s20f3

This command sends a DHCP release message to the DHCP server, effectively releasing the current DHCP lease on the specified interface.

Then, to obtain a new DHCP lease, type the following command:

sudo dhclient wlp0s20f3

This command requests a new DHCP lease for the specified interface.

After running these commands, your network interface should have a renewed DHCP lease, and it should be able to connect to the network using the new lease.

After changing hostname in ubuntu 22.04 desktop OS unable to launch google-chrome browser

I’ll provide specific steps tailored to your Ubuntu 22.04 setup:

  1. Check and Terminate Chrome Processes:
    • Open a terminal window (Ctrl+Alt+T).
    • Use the command ps aux | grep chrome to list Chrome processes.
    • If any are running, terminate them using kill -9 <process_id>, replacing <process_id> with the actual process ID.
  2. Remove the Lock File:
    • Navigate to the Chrome profile folder: cd ~/.config/google-chrome
    • Delete the lock file: rm -rf SingletonLock
  3. Relaunch Chrome:
    • Type google-chrome in the terminal to launch Chrome.

The above steps worked for me.

If the issue persists:

  • Consider Reverting Hostname Change: If possible, temporarily revert to the previous hostname to see if it resolves the issue.
  • Reset Chrome Profile (if necessary): As a last resort, create a new Chrome profile to start fresh

A general system error occurred: PBM error occurred during PreCloneCheckCommonCallback: Fault cause: pbm.fault.PBMFault

We recently encountered a frustrating error while cloning a virtual machine on VMware vCenter 7. The operation failed within seconds, displaying the cryptic message:

A general system error occurred: PBM error occurred during PreCloneCheckCommonCallback: Fault cause: pbm.fault.PBMFault

Determined to find a solution, we embarked on a debugging adventure. After a thorough investigation, we uncovered two key actions that resolved the issue:

1. Installing vm-tools: We discovered that the missing vm-tools on the source VM were causing the PBM error. Installing vm-tools provided the necessary communication bridge between the VM and vCenter, eliminating the error.

2. Switching to the Default Storage Policy: We observed that the VM’s current storage policy might have compatibility issues with the target datastore. Adjusting the policy to the default settings ensured seamless interaction between the VM and the storage, enabling a successful clone.

By implementing these two simple solutions, we were able to overcome the “PBM error” and successfully clone our virtual machine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Missing vm-tools can lead to PBM errors during VM cloning.
  • Verifying and potentially adapting the VM storage policy can resolve compatibility issues.
  • Persistence and thorough investigation are crucial for troubleshooting complex technical problems.

We hope that sharing our experience helps others navigate similar challenges and achieve successful VM cloning in vCenter 7.

nmap command to scan TCP/UDP ports

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, emerges as a command-line tool capable of scanning networks by sending packets and analyzing the responses. It’s particularly adept at identifying open ports and services running on a target system.

Scanning TCP Ports

Nmap’s TCP port scanning is robust. For instance, scanning ports 1 to 100 on a target:

nmap -p 1-100 <target>

To focus on specific ports, say 80, 443, and 8080:

nmap -p 80,443,8080 <target>

Or a comprehensive scan across all TCP ports (1 to 65535):

nmap -p- <target>

Scanning UDP Ports

UDP port scanning differs due to the protocol’s connectionless nature. Scanning UDP ports 1 to 100:

nmap -sU -p 1-100 <target>

For specific UDP ports, e.g., 53 and 161:

nmap -sU -p 53,161 <target>

Scanning Both TCP & UDP ports

nmap -sU -sT -p 53 <target>


`nmap -sUT -p 53 <target>`

Validate SSL certificates from CLI using openssl command

The following steps are used to validate the SSL certificates with openssl command

Check the Certificate Chain: To check the certificate chain and ensure that it’s valid, you can use the openssl verify command. This command will check if the certificate chain is valid up to a trusted root certificate.

openssl verify -CAfile gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt abc.crt

In this command:

  • gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt is the file containing the trusted root certificates (the certificate authority bundle).
  • abc.crt is the certificate you want to verify.

If the certificate chain is valid, you’ll see a message like: abc.crt: OK.

Check Certificate Details:

To view detailed information about a certificate, you can use the openssl x509 command. For example, to view the details of the abc.crt certificate:

openssl x509 -in abc.crt -text

This will display all the information about the certificate, including its subject, issuer, validity dates, and more.

Check the Private Key and Certificate Match:

To verify if a private key (abc.key) matches a certificate (abc.crt), you can use the openssl rsa and openssl x509 commands together:

openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in abc.key | openssl md5

openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in abc.crt | openssl md5

If the modulus values printed by these commands match, it indicates that the private key and certificate match.

Check Certificate Expiry Date:

To check the expiry date of a certificate, you can use the openssl x509 command:

openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in abc.crt

This will display the certificate’s expiry date.

These OpenSSL commands provide various ways to validate SSL certificates and perform different checks. Adjust the commands based on your specific requirements for certificate validation.

Keepalive ssh sessions for longer durations


In general most of the ISP providers will terminate idle sessions as early as possible(maybe in a couple of minutes).

This will be an irritating thing if you work on a remote server with ssh. I had a similar issue with my ISP(Act Fibernet). To fix this issue I have experimented in multiple ways and I am sharing the easiest way to that works.

Add following lines in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

ClientAliveInterval 60
ClientAliveCountMax 5

where ClientAliveInterval 60 seconds will send a null request from your node(client) to server every 60 seconds. ClientAliveCountMax 5 is to give up if it doesn’t receive any response after 5 retries.

After adding the above configurations restart ssh with the following command:

sudo service ssh restart

You can try with different values for ClientAliveInterval based on your ISP. In general most of the ISP’s will persist idle sessions for a couple of minutes. In my case Act Fibernet sessions are not responding after 2 minutes(approximately), so I used 60 seconds.


Ansible Playbook – Print command output


By using the following play I am printing command output in Ansible playbook:

- hosts: all
  user: ubuntu
    - name: uptime
      command: 'uptime'
      register: output

    - debug: var=output.stdout_lines

Here I am registered output as output variable, in debug task printing the same with output.stdout_lines.

Other ways to print output:

#- debug: msg="{{ output.stdout }}"
#- debug: msg="{{ output.stderr }}"