A general system error occurred: PBM error occurred during PreCloneCheckCommonCallback: Fault cause: pbm.fault.PBMFault

We recently encountered a frustrating error while cloning a virtual machine on VMware vCenter 7. The operation failed within seconds, displaying the cryptic message:

A general system error occurred: PBM error occurred during PreCloneCheckCommonCallback: Fault cause: pbm.fault.PBMFault

Determined to find a solution, we embarked on a debugging adventure. After a thorough investigation, we uncovered two key actions that resolved the issue:

1. Installing vm-tools: We discovered that the missing vm-tools on the source VM were causing the PBM error. Installing vm-tools provided the necessary communication bridge between the VM and vCenter, eliminating the error.

2. Switching to the Default Storage Policy: We observed that the VM’s current storage policy might have compatibility issues with the target datastore. Adjusting the policy to the default settings ensured seamless interaction between the VM and the storage, enabling a successful clone.

By implementing these two simple solutions, we were able to overcome the “PBM error” and successfully clone our virtual machine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Missing vm-tools can lead to PBM errors during VM cloning.
  • Verifying and potentially adapting the VM storage policy can resolve compatibility issues.
  • Persistence and thorough investigation are crucial for troubleshooting complex technical problems.

We hope that sharing our experience helps others navigate similar challenges and achieve successful VM cloning in vCenter 7.

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