Simplifying Git Cloning: How to Clone a Single Branch Without History


When working with Git repositories, it’s common to clone the entire repository along with its complete history. However, there are scenarios where you may only need a specific branch without the burden of its entire history. In this article, we’ll explore how to simplify the Git cloning process by cloning a single branch without its history.

Why Clone a Single Branch Without History?

Cloning a Git repository with its entire history can sometimes be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially for repositories with extensive histories. Cloning only the necessary branch without its history can save time and disk space, making the cloning process more efficient, particularly in scenarios where you’re only interested in the latest changes on a specific branch.

Cloning a Single Branch Without History: To clone a single branch without its history, we can use the git clone command with the --single-branch and --depth options. Here’s how it works:

git clone --single-branch --depth 1 -b <branch-name> <repository-url>

Let’s break down each part of the command:

  • --single-branch: This option tells Git to only clone the specified branch instead of all branches.
  • --depth 1: This option specifies that only the latest commit from the branch should be included in the cloned repository’s history.
  • -b <branch-name>: This specifies the branch that you want to clone.
  • <repository-url>: This is the URL of the Git repository you want to clone.

Example: Suppose we want to clone only the main branch from a repository located at with only the latest commit in the history. The command would look like this:

git clone --single-branch --depth 1 -b main

Benefits of Cloning a Single Branch Without History:

  1. Time Efficiency: By cloning only the latest commit of a single branch, the cloning process becomes faster, especially for repositories with extensive histories.
  2. Disk Space Savings: Shallow clones with minimal history consume less disk space compared to full clones, making them more efficient in terms of storage usage.
  3. Improved Focus: Cloning only the necessary branch allows developers to focus on the latest changes without being overwhelmed by the repository’s entire history.


Cloning a single branch without its history using Git’s --single-branch and --depth options is a powerful technique that can streamline the cloning process, particularly for large repositories. By leveraging these options, developers can efficiently clone only the necessary branch with minimal history, saving time, and resources while maintaining focus on the latest changes.

Incorporating this approach into your workflow can enhance productivity and streamline development tasks, especially in scenarios where you need to quickly access and work with specific branches without the overhead of their entire histories.

Gitlab backup


To backup Gitlab data use following command:

gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create

This command will backup backup date inĀ  path /var/opt/gitlab/backups/

To exclude any directories from backup use following command:

gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create SKIP = db,uploads

Above command will exclude db & upload directories.

Get gitlab version number from Gitlab cli


To get Gitlab & other dependent modules version numbers use the following command:

gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info

The output will include all details like Gitlab version, git version, git shell version, OS version, Ruby version, Gem version, Bundler version, Rake version, Redis version, Sidekiq version & etc…

Gitlab with non-standerd ssh port


To user non standerd ssh port with gitlab use following procedure:

Open /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and addĀ following line:

gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 4321

where 4321 is ssh port.

Make sure that you enabled this port inĀ /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Reconfigure & restartĀ gitlab-ctl with following commands

gitlab-ctl restart

gitlab-ctl restart

Git – create empty branch

Git represents branches as pointers to the latest commit in that branch. If you haven’t created a commit yet, there’s nothing for that branch to point to. So you can’t really create branches until you have at least one commit.

Git allows to create a empty branch but its not common way of using Git.

First create create an empty Git repository by using following command:

$ git init

To create empty branch use following command:

$ git commit --allow-empty -m "initial commit for empty brach"

After running above command it will create a master branch, run following command to conform:

$ git branch


* master

By Sandeep Posted in Git Tagged